While communication is often classified as a ‘soft’ skill, the truth is that the way your organization communicates can be the difference between success and failure. In organizations of any size, identifying, defining, understanding and engaging each of your audiences is vital to success.
Audiences today are more matrixed than they've ever been. From external customers, providers, shareholders, regulatory bodies, etc., ensuring that you understand the unique needs and nuances of each audience will dramatically affect the success of your communication efforts.
Once you've mapped and defined these audiences it is much easier to adapt content that resonates with each group. As Dr. Maya Angelou famously said, "If you want what you’re saying heard, then take your time and say it so that the listener will actually hear it."
Today, companies at the forefront of effective communications practices understand that their internal audiences (employees, executive teams, boards, etc.) require targeted communications too. The exchanges of information within your organization have a tremendous impact on the way your employees feel, and can impact employee productivity, innovation, brand awareness and more.
Internal communication has evolved from simply giving information to employees - now it's about engaging them! Right now, most organizations are well aware of the importance of having an engaged workforce and this all starts with how you communicate with them. When your employees are engaged, they are motivated and feel valued and won’t hesitate to give the best of themselves, grow your business and protect your organization’s image.
Engagement all begins with effective communication. Your audiences are nuanced and unique. They have varied preferences in the way they receive, send and interact with information. Audience + Channel starts with our patented Communication & Engagement Assessment. It's designed to evaluate the effectiveness of current channels you use to engage audiences, and identify how to improve communication with your audiences on their terms – on the platforms that resonate with them.
To learn more about our Corporate Communications services, please click here.